What is the Windows 11/10 latest version available?

There are multiple ways to figure out Windows 11/10 latest version. You can do it from the Microsoft website, or you can do it on your computer. Once you know the version, you can compare it with the installed version on your computer, and choose to upgrade. Many times, consumers choose to delay the update to keep their system safe from any potential problem.

Where to check the latest Windows 11/10 version on Microsft Site

Windows 11 users can simply visit this Microsoft website, and see the Version and the Build mentioned. Windows users can visit here.

How to check the latest version installed on your Windows 11/10 computer

Now that you are sure about which version is the latest from the Microsoft website let’s check on your computer. In Windows 11, open Settings > System and on the right side, click on About.

Here you will see details like edition, version, installed on, and OS build. In Windows 10, go to Settings > System > About. Scroll to the end to find version information.

It will be available under Windows specifications and include edition, version, installed on, and OS build. Read: Where to look for your Windows 10 Update History

Get the latest Windows 11/10 version number via Windows Update

You can also use Windows Update to find out the last Feature Update installed on your computer. Go to Windows 11 Settings > Windows Update > View Update History.

Where to download the latest Windows 11/10 version

All this brings us to the last question. Where does one download the latest version of Windows 10? The first option is to hit the Windows Update button and see if there is an update available. If not, check if you have by any chance delayed the feature update. If yes, disable it, and Windows will start downloading automatically. Lastly, if nothing works out, you can always choose to update using the ISO and making a bootable USB drive. We hope this guide made it easier for you to find out Windows 10 latest version, and update it in case you haven’t done it yet.

What is the latest Windows 11 10 version that is available for download - 11What is the latest Windows 11 10 version that is available for download - 51