Free junk cleaner for USB Drive

USBDriveFresher is a small freeware that will help you keep your USB Drive or Removable Media clean at all times. The Windows operating system and some programs that you may run, place some files or folders automatically on your USB drive. While they are important at that point of time, they may lose their usefulness later. Some instances of these files and folders include ._* files, .Trashes folder, .Spotlight-V100, .ds_store or even the thumbs.db files. This tool will help you identify and delete the junk files and folders on your USB Drives. You can set up the cleanup rules by selecting which files you want to be deleted. You can also add your own file-types, should you wish to do so. If you want to auto-clean any USB pen drive as soon as you connect it, simply check the appropriate option. Once done, you can choose to clean one or all of the connected removable media or go in for a custom clean up.

The key features of USBDriveFresher are: If you use your USB Drive intensively, I am sure that it must contain a lot of junk files and folders. Using USBDriveFresher is an option you may want to consider. Download it here. Over the next 2 days, we will be highlighting a couple of more such useful utilities for your USB Drives or removable storage. So stay tuned! Meanwhile, you may also want to have a look at these free useful tools for your USB Drive:

Desktop Media: Automatically adds and removes shortcut to USB drive on DesktopRemoveDrive: A free command-line tool to safely remove USB devicesNetWrix’s USB Blocker: Prevent unauthorized use of USB and other removable mediaDropout: A portable search tool for USB drives and Dropbox folder.

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